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10 bonnes raisons d'utiliser la réalité virtuelle à l'école

Virtual reality offers the opportunity to step into places, roles, and experiences that were previously impossible, or at the very least, inaccessible to most, specially for education. 

Check these 10 reasons to use Virtual Reality In the classroom to help bring the world (and beyond) to your students with technology! 

VR Kid

1. Voyagez dans le monde entier sans quitter la salle de classe.

Virtual reality makes travel possible without the constraints of time and permission slips. Visit the Taj Majal with a virtual class tour or tour an art museum without stepping foot on a bus.

Taj Mahal VR

2.   Develop empathy for communities in crisis by stepping into their shoes.

Bring the concept of empathy to life by giving students additional context with the sights and sounds of a setting or experience. 


3.   Experience different careers first-hand.

Students can see life through the eyes of a surgeon, museum curator, soldier, or other professional fields for a better picture of what life in that role would look like.

VR heart

4.   Explore the depths of the ocean and the vastness of space.

Children have a natural love for adventure, and the immensity of the ocean and space and all both have to offer allows students to satisfy that curiosity without the need for a submarine or rocket ship.

Ocean VR

 5. Time travel to key events and places from the past.

Imagine being present at Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream Speech” or accompanying Neil Armstrong on the first moon walk — it would be a lot more memorable than reading about it, right?


6.   Explore within the human body.

Anatomy takes on a new dimension of understanding when you can see organs, muscles, and skeletal structures in place and functioning; even dissections have gone digital. (Check this VR Expedition about Human Anatomy-Respiratory System)


7.   Allow students to share their world with others by creating their own VR content

Engage students creatively by encouraging them to create their own three dimensional experience to showcase their imagination.

8.   Discover how VR can be used in other industries like medicine, engineering, entertainment and real estate.

Research how virtual reality is used as a tool in some industries to help students develop an understanding of the technology and its future in business.


9.   Explore how VR can be integrated into every subject area and curriculum.

Due to the fact that it’s relatively new in terms of accessibility, there’s untold potential in using virtual reality as an educational conduit, making it an exciting option for teachers and students alike.

10. Promote curiosity and wonder.

The immersive nature of virtual reality brings depth to educational content by engaging the senses and allowing exploration to a degree that would be difficult to duplicate within the confines of a classroom, making it an ideal catalyst for curiosity and true learning.


Want to learn more about Virtual Reality?

 Check these 9 amazing VR Expeditions and start traveling! Also check Engagek12 platform for more lessons with robots! 

Interested about having a Virtual Reality Kit? 

Price Quote Request RobotLAB VR Kit

Want to learn more amazing facts?


Check the original article here:

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  • 12 juin 2019 11:01:18


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